A teenager who shot an innocent 15-year-old boy in Hackney in an unprovoked attack has been jailed.

Kamaree Jeffrey approached a group of teenagers in Garden Place, Haggerston, on the evening of May 25 last year.

The 19-year-old was riding an e-bike and wearing a balaclava, and asked the group if they were members of a local gang.

Fearing for their safety, the group attempted to run from Jeffrey who then pulled a gun on them.

Shouting at them to stay out of the area, he fired a shot which hit a 15-year-old boy in the leg.

The boy was rushed to an east London hospital where his injuries required surgery, but were not life-threatening.

Jeffrey was eventually arrested at his home in Hackney on July 18 last year. He was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and grievous bodily harm.

The 19-year-old was found guilty on both charges after a trail at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January.

On Monday (August 5), Jeffrey was jailed for 11 years at the same court, and was told he would be placed on extended licence for four years after his release.

Detective Chief Inspector Andrea Ireland said: “This was an unprovoked attack on a group of innocent youngsters.

“My…teams work in conjunction with local policing teams to prioritise the removal of lethal barrelled firearms, and those who carry or manufacture them, from the streets of London.

“I am pleased that Kamaree Jeffrey is no longer a danger to innocent members of the public.

“I also hope that the sentence brings some comfort to the victim and his family, in the knowledge that justice has been served.”