Over 13 years ago a woman was found dead – and her body still remains unidentified to this day.

At the time of the death on August 2, 2011, the incident did not receive any media attention as it occurred two days before the shooting of Mark Duggan and was swept away in the commotion of the London riots.

Her body was found hung on Queen’s Drive, between Seven Sisters Road and Stoke Newington.

Years later her body has still not been identified, despite efforts from the Locate charity to reunite her with her family.

She was described as Afro-Caribbean, of stock build and between 5’4” – 5’6”.

According to the charity, which looks into the cases of missing and unidentified people, she was aged between 30 and 40 at the time and had a silver coating on one of her front incisors.

When she was found, she was wearing black jeans with a brown belt and silver buckle, a short sleeved grey blouse, flip-flops and a head scarf.

She was also carrying £10.90 in cash and three very small keys attached to a safety pin.

While other unidentified people cases did receive media attention at the time, it’s understood that this Hackney woman’s case was forgotten about.

Mark Greenhalgh, Locate’s CEO said: “We absolutely have faith that someone out there remembers Hackney Woman in life: a friend, a neighbour, a flatmate, a shopkeeper, a fellow passenger on public transport perhaps. Every little piece of information helps, and you can contact us anonymously if you wish.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Locate by emailing appeals@locate.international, by calling 0300 102 1011 (in the UK) or by visiting https://locate.international/unidentified-people/hackney-woman