There’s nothing better than enjoying yourself at an incredible festival, and knowing you’re preserving the environment as well!

Uber One presents All Points East have implemented a variety of cutting-edge strategies to minimise any environmental impacts of the festival, whilst increasing the positive contributions. From committing to a zero waste to landfill policy, to working closely with local producers and traders, All Points East protect the local ecology and encourage festival goers to act responsibly.

Take a look at some of the sustainable initiatives that will make All Points East a truly evergreen festival.

(Image: Sharon Lopez)

Waste and recycling

If left unchecked, a festival of the size and popularity of All Points East has the potential to leave behind an overwhelming amount of waste. Fortunately, the organisers have been working hard to ensure all cast-offs are disposed of properly.

Zero waste to landfill is a non-negotiable for All Points East, with several key policies to achieve this. A ‘no pointless single use plastics’ programme has been rolled out across the festival, as well as using 100 per cent compostable paper cups across the site. Plastic serve-ware is banned at all food stands, whilst all food packaging and cutlery is compostable.

‘Leave No Trace’ guarantees that every single stray item dropped on the grass is picked up by the committed litter team. Protecting Victoria Park is a top priority for All Points East. Another crucial aspect of the sustainable waste is the responsible disposal of all event set materials, and ensuring they originate from a sustainable source.

Travel and transport

All Points East does everything it can to facilitate greener travel alternatives, and encourages all festival goers to arrive by public transport, bike or on foot. The Central London location of the festival make it much easier for people to travel via public transport, whilst working closely with the charity Ecolibrium.

Fossil fuel travel miles are typically the largest contributor to a festival’s carbon footprint, and Ecolibrium help to balance the emissions. All donations are invested into clean, renewable energy sources – helping to tackle the environmental impact of the journeys.

Calculating the total carbon footprint of All Points East is central to the ‘A Greener Festival’ initiative. The travel miles of artists, production staff and suppliers are compiled so that they can be balanced and ultimately reduced for future events.

(Image: Artem Medvediev)

Impact on local area

Preserving the positive impact of All Points East on the local community is a core priority. Engagement and communication with the local community occurs throughout the planning stages and the event itself.

Plans that encompass noise, traffic as well as ingress and egress are implemented to minimise the impact on nearby residents. All Points East work closely with the local authority’s environmental protection teams to ensure the sound levels remain within acceptable limits.

For more information about All Points East’s sustainable policies, visit