A woman who lives close to a 200-year-old former factory has said “it breaks her heart” that it might be demolished.

Deborah Colvin, who has lived in Andrews Road near the Firmback Works building in London Fields for 38 years, condemned Hackney Council’s “destructive” proposal for the site.

Under current plans, the main old factory building at 40-43 Andrews Road, would be demolished on August 6.

Hackney Council, which took possession of the site 15 years ago, claims that the building is in a “comprehensively poor condition” so must be removed for the site to be put to use.

Some council transport assistance services are currently based in portable buildings on the site, but the main building is unoccupied.

The council has suggested three different developments that could replace the former factory.

The first option suggests creating 100 homes and 8,700sq m of commercial floorspace.

The second would see the site used as part of a separate redevelopment of Ash Grove bus garage, which backs onto the former factory.

A final option would combine a housing and commercial development with a larger bus garage.

But some local people have said the council has not tried hard enough to repurpose the existing building before pushing for demolition.

Ms Colvin said: “The building has got an interesting history.

“What we'd hoped was that it would either be converted into housing, or made into small workshops or a community centre.

“We also hoped that there would be some green space around it.”

The building was originally built as a large private house in 1830, and then became a school in the late 19th century.

It was last used as a Cintique furniture factory, before being acquired by the council.

Deborah added: “The other thing that really upsets a lot of us about it, is that the council bought this building in 2009 and they said they would be responsible for repairs.

“They've never done anything to it. So, if it's a bad state now, then that's on their heads.”

A council spokesperson said: “The council bought this building in 2009 when it was already in poor condition.

"While the building has been used for vehicle storage and maintenance since then, it is now underused and uneconomical to refurbish.

"Demolishing the building now will avoid the cost of maintaining and securing an empty building.

“The site sits also within a proposed development site for Ash Grove bus garage, where we are working with the community to create new planning guidance to help shape any new development on the site.”

More details of the plans can be found on the planning portal, under reference 2024/1443.