One of the safest dental procedures to correct crooked and misaligned teeth is Invisalign in Turkey. Explore all the facts on Invisalign treatment through this user's guide by Cosmedica Dental. 

Invisalign is becoming more popular for straightening teeth, making it easier for people worldwide to get this treatment. Generally, orthodontists offering Invisalign in Turkey have a reputation for offering patients a more convenient, discreet, and affordable option.

If you are considering getting an Invisalign Turkey procedure, here is a quick guide for you. 

What is Invisalign Dental Treatment?

Invisalign dental treatment is an orthodontic procedure that applies clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth and correct various orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, crowded teeth, teeth gaps, and bite misalignments.

Invisalign aligners are clear plastic trays that are nearly invisible when worn, unlike metal braces. They are free of BPA and do not use metal brackets or wires.

Invisalign clear aligners are built using modern design, which is a crucial aspect of their functionality and effectiveness in dental alignment. This design incorporates a range of components, including:

Invisible, BPA-free material

The clear, medical-grade, BPA-free plastic material used to make Invisalign aligners is nearly invisible when worn. This makes sure the aligners are subtle and look nice, so patients can straighten their teeth without the noticeable metal braces. 

Customized aligners

Clear aligners are custom-made for each individual patient based on their specific orthodontic needs and treatment plan. The aligners fit snugly on teeth, gently moving them into the right position over time.

Smooth, cozy surface

Unlike metal braces with rough edges, clear aligners have smooth and cosy surfaces. This treatment method reduces the risk of discomfort and irritation to the gums and inner parts of the cheeks. The sleek design reduces friction between aligners and mouth tissues, making treatment more comfortable. 


The most sought-after advantage of Invisalign is its removability. Clear aligners can be taken out, making it easy for patients to eat, drink, brush, and floss without any problems. It prevents plaque from building up in the aligners. This improves dental health while getting treatment.

What are the recommendations for Invisalign?

For optimal functionality of clear aligners, the following practices are recommended:

1. Consult a Licensed Orthodontist

Schedule a consultation with a qualified orthodontist or dentist, especially one specializing in Invisalign procedures. Patients should discuss their orthodontic concerns, treatment goals, Invisalign effects, and other related issues during the consultation.

2. Understand the Treatment Process

It is essential to gain insights into your expectations of an Invisalign treatment, including the installation process, duration of treatment, the number of aligners required, and any lifestyle adjustments needed.

3. Treatment plan

Your orthodontist will recommend a treatment routine that includes wearing clear aligners for at least 20 hours to 22 hours a day. Proper and consistent wearing of aligners is paramount for optimal results.

4. Oral Hygiene

Getting clear aligners does not exclude you from following proper oral hygiene routines, including brushing and flossing your teeth daily and using mouthwash. You must also keep up with the recommended dietary plans, such as avoiding specified foods and drinks to minimize the number of plaques. This is essential for the maintenance of your clear aligners and maximizing treatment efficiency.

5. Follow-up Appointments

You should strictly follow all scheduled follow-up appointments with your orthodontist. These follow-ups aim to monitor your treatment progress and replace aligners where necessary. These appointments are also the best time to raise any concerns arising from your treatment. 

Are there any negative effects of using Invisalign?

Patients frequently inquire about potential side effects associated with Invisalign. While clear aligners offer one of the safest dental correction procedures, the treatment may pose potential negative side effects. These setbacks include:

  • Soreness and Irritation

You are likely to experience soreness and irritation in the initial stages of Invisalign installation. The discomfort from pressure on gums and cheeks from aligners typically goes away after a few days. However, it can affect patients in different ways. 

  • Speech Obstruction

When you first start wearing clear aligners, your speech may be affected temporarily. This is especially noticeable right after you put them in. Aligners can change how your tongue sits in your mouth, causing you to say some sounds incorrectly.

  • Dental Issues

Some patients may experience aggravation of existing dental issues, such as jaw discomfort and dental sensitivity. In extreme cases, aligners can trigger underlying structural abnormalities, leading to discomfort. 

  • Weight Loss

While weight loss may not be a direct negative effect of clear aligners, some patients experience difficulty eating while wearing Invisalign. For best results, wear aligners for 20-22 hours daily for 9 to 18 months. This can impact eating habits and lead to weight loss.

What is the average Invisalign cost in Turkey?

The average cost of Invisalign is generally lower in Turkey compared to other competing countries, such as the US. The prices of Invisalign are estimated to be 70% cheaper in Turkey than in popular regions worldwide. While there is no fixed cost for Invisalign Turkey procedures, most dental clinics in Turkey average £1,500 to £3,000.

Reasons to go to Turkey for Invisalign

There are plenty of reasons why you should get your Invisalign in Turkey. These include:

Lower treatment costs

Turkey is popular for providing high-quality medical and dental services at more affordable prices than many Western countries. The cost of Invisalign in Turkey is typically lower than in countries such as the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom. This is making it an attractive option for individuals seeking dental alignment on a budget.

Multilingual orthodontists

Most orthodontic facilities in Turkey have multilingual professionals who can communicate fluently in diverse languages, ensuring clear and effective communication with international patients. 

Comprehensive dental services

In addition to dental alignment, you may also benefit from the multiple dental services offered in Turkey. They include dental implant dentistry, oral surgery, and cosmetic dentistry.

Why you should go to Cosmedica Dental for dental alignment treatment

Cosmedica Dental - Invisalign treatment in TurkeyCosmedica Dental - Invisalign treatment in Turkey (Image: Cosmedica Dental)

Cosmedia Dental boasts of offering the best dental services in Turkey. By seeking an orthodontic treatment at Cosmedica Dental, you are open to enjoying a wide range of service benefits, including;

Highly skilled professionals

Enjoy a class of highly skilled specialists, including oral surgeons, orthodontists, and dentists. All other supporting staff are trained to achieve the highest level of professionalism to ensure an undeterred focus on quality delivery.

State-of-the-Art equipment and facilities

Get an Invisalign Turkey procedure with a touch of ultra-modern facilities and equipment, including trailblazing dental rooms, 3D dental scanners, and superior imaging technology.

Affordable services

Cosmedica Dental offers dental and orthodontic services from as low as €1,000 without compromising on the value of the care offered by its professionals.


With over 15 years of experience in dentistry, Cosmedica Dental has grown its capacity to deliver quality comprehensive dental services, including surgery, dental implants, realignment, and dental makeovers.

Prime location

Located in Istanbul Turkey, Cosmedica Dental allows you to explore the country's cultural heritage, scenic attractions, and historic landmarks while seeking dental care.