A new family hub helping carers of people with mental health conditions has opened.

The Homerton centre brings together all mental health services and advice under one roof to make sure help is made easily available to them.

“This hub is a chance for carers to learn more about their roles,” City and Hackney Mental Health Service lead carer Sam McGavin explained. “We want to do everything to support carers looking after loved ones.”

The hub in Homerton Road aims to help service users' family and carers feel “part of the healthcare team” by supporting their care-giving responsibilities.

It operates a ‘family liaison’ role based on hospital wards. Carers are contacted within 48 hours of admission, with services offered including guidance, counselling, explaining diagnoses and treatments and help to apply for grants or payments, as well as assisting those suffering alcohol and substance misuse.

Young carers looking after family members also get activities such a trips and homework clubs.